Several restaurants served a turkey dinner, we chose DON COLON....
We were "starving" at 1pm so I forgot to take pictures, but it was a nice turkey dinner that we enjoyed very much......$10 per person...

Had an appointment with the Cardiologist at the Social Security Hospital..not fancy but very clean with good service...I complained that I am shedding hair like a dog, so
immediately he sent me to a dermatologist who said it's the blood thinner which I suspected..but he recommended a shampoo and some German vitamins.....It's so amazing all the health services available at no cost for only $83 mo. insurance payment....EVERYTHING is free after week I'll see a lung specialist to see if there is anything that can be done for my shortness of breath...

My gardening projects are coming along nicely.....we have a pretty little area where we have breakfast looking at the park....mornings here are usually very sunny and nice, especially this time of the year, summer.....
The other day I asked Susana if she had time to go to the "country" nurseries (on the autopista a little outside of the city), near Chaluabamba......she said of course, the next day, but first we had to go MATRICULAR her car (that means to renew the plates) I had no idea it was such a project.....
The cars have to go thru a very intense, through check up and pass the inspection for them to renew your plates.....the place looks like a giant car wash, but it's all inspectors and computers.......
If the car doesn't pass inspection you have to have it fixed and bring it back....there are some mechanics shops close so sometimes a little thing can be done quickly.....the thing that amazed me is that this supposedly "third world country" is quite sophisticated really and makes people keep their cars in good running order...
Susana's car is a 1998 model, and it passed with flying colors...people here take care of their cars!!!
Then we were off to the nurseries....

We filled the car with lovely plants and fertilizers and between the two of us we didn't spend more than about $25.....Susana even managed to get a Bougainvilla that matches her blouse perfectly!!!
Sundays are so lovely here for us......Mass is beautiful.....
The gorgeous Cathedral main doors.......and a side altar of the Holy Trinity.....
the passage way to the Cathedral....
The first street in Cuenca, bricked up but soon to be will lead to an open patio area where there will be shops and little cafes.....this is between the Cathedral and the old building that houses the Raymipamba restaurant....
The blind man sings.... and now he also sells lottery tickets....
Street performer with cute puppets...........
After lunch at Don Colon helping a little old nun out of the restaurant...
Mosquita stops by for coffee.....

The gardener does his thing and makes the yard look good....

Well, almost, but it does give him some spending money for Christmas!!
Valeria came and did my nails and feet, and cut Rick's hair ---- all for $15.....
And here's the "kid" with an ice cream cone.......
Bought 7 beautiful rose bushes today, and a large yellow mum.....will show them all off after they're planted.....
and now it's time to say,
Happy 79th Birthday to Rick,wishing you many more happy & healthy ones.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary to Susan & Rick today,wishing you many more happy & healthy years together.