A big delight on Thursday was when our dear friend Silvia Ontaneda called -- she's the Consul General de Ecuador in Minneapolis, Mn.
We met her over 2 years ago when we were going thru the process of moving to Cuenca and gathering all the paperwork....She's just so darling and amazing....we met her when Rick barged into her office .... but instead of getting upset she immediately got up from her desk and gave him a big hug...before we left she insisted that we were coming to dinner at her house with Linda, Scott, Nicolas and Olivia.....that Friday she fixed a terrific Ecuatorian meal, Scott made some great cocktails, Nicolas and Olivia were entertained by Silvia's teenage son & daughter (very impressive, bright & loving young people) and we all had a fantastic time!!! ..... the years pass, and then Silvia calls - she was here on Government business and wanted to see us saying that even if she had to stay over another day, we were going to get together!!....so Friday evening she came over looking as beautiful as ever and just as loving and effervescent... we walked over to Bertuchi's where she insisted on treating us to dinner...a lovely evening but way too short! But Silvia promised she'd be back in the summer with her children and they'd stay with us....Yea!!!
She got to meet Geovani and Bertha -- Geovani had called right after Silvia and wanted to take us to eat chuzos....want her son to meet their son this summer....he's in law school and should be able to talk about education and opportunities here in Cuenca...
Silvia is an International Lawyer. That says a LOT because getting an INTERNATIONAL LAW degree is very difficult... As the Consul General in Minneapolis she is in charge of the Midwest states including Nebraska....
Saturday morning our dear friend Norbert T came over....since his landlady forced him to change his plans about coming over for the Super Bowl (long story about water problems in Yungilla) he came to "give us a hug"...... I made breakfast and we had a wonderful visit....
As always Norbert came bearing gifts....
There was a meat dish he made with a base of sauerkraut; had raisins and lots of spices which gave it sort of a sweet and sour flavor -- quite unusual but very good....I think it must be a Polish dish ...I'm sure he told me the name but I don't remember now.

He also brought a jar of the most delicious peppers!! A friend of his here makes them and they are addicting...you eat one and you want more and more.....Must find out where I can buy them.
Sunday morning was Mass at the Cathedral and then lunch at El Cantaro....another restaurant facing Parque Calderon across from the Cathedral......one of the specialities there is the traditional SECO DE POLLO or SECO DE CARNE.....
A big plate of delicious food for only $3 !!
Then home to start getting ready to watch the Super Bowl with Jeanie....she is an enormous football fan and watching with her is so much fun!!....She came over and brought Flowers, 2 kinds of wine, and Yuca chips....
Yuca chips taste a lot like potato chips but they are lighter and less greasy...delicious!!
I forgot to serve the Yuca chips -- more for me :) ....
Jean also brought wine -- red (for me) and white for her, but I decided to join her with a glass of white wine...boy, was it good!! SUNRISE SAUVIGNON BLANC 2012, a Chilean wine by Concha y Toro in business since 1889 -- they know how to make WINE!!
We set up a NACHO BAR with taco meat, refried beans and tortilla chips on a warmng tray...around that was guacamole, sour cream, diced tomatoes, grated cheese & cheese dip, jalapenos & olives, chopped onions, shredded lettuce, and hot sauces....
Everyone fixed their own and then we watched the game....we wanted the Seahawks, but it was a terrific game....
Then Jean and I sat around talking till 2 am before we reluctantly went to bed...
The next day was another lovely surprise.....we were just getting up when there was a knock at the door...Ricardo answered... it was Paulo from Tacanijo with his wife Marcela...they came to invite me to a baby shower this next Sunday....

I fixed breakfast (with a lot of help from Jean) and we all had a great meal together.....I'd really like to know honestly what the Mexican who owns a Mexican restaurant thinks of my cooking, but it must pass the test because he always has more than one helping :)
Put some bacon strips in the oven and sprinkled brown sugar on top.....broke up corn tortillas and friend them slightly crisp and then put in eggs and shredded cheese and scrambled it all together...made a spicy tomato sauce to pour on top.....I thought it was pretty good -- noticed there was none left........
After Paulo and Marcela left, Jean and I sat down to have a cup of coffee and Susana popped in....she wanted to go to the Rotary for a maceta (flower pot) and then to buy plants....Jean had to be home by 1 pm so when she left Susana, Bertha & Titi and I went downtown.....
Outside their brother's store I bought some beautiful tomatoes for $1 (2 pounds).....Then on to the Rotary where Susana found this pretty pot with legs....only $4.50....
When we got home we planted Susana's plants -- mine are waiting for Yolanda's green thumb when she comes this afternoon....
Then Susana & Bertha decided to make "Empanadas de Viento" which are empanadas puffed up with air in them -- they have some cheese and they puff up during the frying, and after they are fried are sprinkled with sugar....REALLY GOOD!! They remind me a little of Mexican Sopapillas....
Reflecting again how fortunate we are to have such WONDERFUL FRIENDS!!...It continues to amaze me how great the people of Ecuador are....and there are some FABULOUS GRINGOS here too...the best of both world's and we are enjoying it tremendously!!
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