Tony Bishop came and finally got me back to my blog....had to get a different search engine so that my pictures post..... I was glad to find out it was nothing I did....Blogspot changed....
So here's what happened in December....
Jean L. came and we pickled & canned day with both of us remembering our mother's canning & how we learned so much from our mothers.... We both grew up on the farm....great memories....
Looks and feels like a restaurant Sports Bar in the U.S. ....
Then we went over to Salvia for a wonderful dessert...
Salvia is owned by Karen and Chef Gavin Quinn... 09395 13820
Roberto Crespo Toral 3-56 y Luis Morena Mora
Yolanda's Birthday is Dec 10, 3 days after Ricardo's so we celebrated with a beautiful cake....
Christmas decorating by Yolanda and Juan Gabriel....
Mid December we had a GARAGE SALE here in our complex....the first one they had ever had and it was very successful, but it was Cuencano style so it was like a family party too....
This gorgeous 18kt. gold cross with Colombian emeralds was my Christmas gift from the Corderos.....I was blown is so beautiful!!!
All around Cuenca there are signs of Christmas, the REAL Christmas.....
From the chocolate NATIVITY in a candy shop....
to the very large neon Nativity put up by the city ......

and the fabulous Nativity village erected in the home/garage of a Cuencano family for the enjoyment of the whole community.....
It takes 2 months to assemble, and they do it every year...

A lot of the greenery is real and has to be watered....the nephew does it......
The Pase del Nino parades begin on Christmas eve and continue every Sunday until Carnival......
And the beautiful processions in the Cathedral....
December 21, the Sunday before Christmas we had our celebration with Yolanda and Juan Gabriel....they met us at the Cathedral for Mass, and afterwards lunch at Don Colon....then to the house to open presents!

While I know he loved his clothes, the soft stuffed monkey made the biggest hit!! The poor children of Ecuador rarely get toys....
December 23rd is our Anniversary....we celebrated 53 years with dinner at NOE, a wonderful restaurant that specializes in Sushi which I love,.....Ricardo doesn't so he had a beef dish which he raved about.....My Sushi was GREAT!!
Ricardo bought me 50 gorgeous white roses with 3 red roses for our 53rd ......too many to fit in the largest vase I had!!!!
Our hosts Susana and Ruben in their lovely home......
Bertha and Titi (Dominica Cristina).....and Ricardo with "the Chief" ... Rogelio Cabrera the Patriach of the family....
Then CHRISTMAS DAY!!! Off we all went to distribute toys to the poor children who live in small villages high above Cuenca....

The generous family who makes this all possible...left to right, POLETH (oldest daughter) SUSANA, RUBEN, PAULA, and RUBEN Jr.
And so the highlights of our DECEMBER 2014 in CUENCA......
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