Saturday, September 27, 2014

NATURE ABOUNDS in small doses!!

What else do I love about living in Cuenca?   
Well, when I'm feeling a little out of sorts I can always step out into my little garden and see the smiling faces of the pansies,  or wonder at the 2 color beauty of the fuchsias,  or see what rose is blooming or ready to bloom.... and so on.....ALL YEAR ROUND!

Both of these Fuchsias are doing well - my favorite is the purple/red with a huge flower,  but the pink & white going up the pillar is happy and blooms lots!!!

I supposedly have more colors of glads,  but so far I'm only seeing white with very pale pink's hard when you're buying bulbs to know exactly what you're getting......
This newly planted trellis and bougainvilleas will grow to give an interesting block of the trucks-- on each side are white Calla Lillies and the white and pinks contrast well......

                        Pansies like the climate here in    Cuenca....Since it never gets hot,  they bloom all year  round....

Isn't the miniature rose darling?

Yolanda brought this pretty tall pink flower from her house - neither of us knows what it's called,  but we really like it and it's doing very well under this very tall Capulin  berry fruit tree.....
There are several large pots planted with everything from Geraniums to peppers to roses and I am always looking for interesting pots and different kinds of flowers.....right now I am excitedly waiting for a Gardenia  bush to's planted as close to the front door as I can get so hopefully the lovely fragrance will waft into the house.......

Yolanda likes to pick and arrange flowers so that we always have a few blooms in the house...
so... even when I don't have time to go to the Mercado de Flores I have something in bloom to surround myself with natures' bounty........


  1. Do you know if irises grow in Cuenca. We're moving there next year and they're my favorite (but living in Florida for 32 years, I haven't had any smiling and nodding in my garden for what feels like FOREVER).

  2. I haven't seen iris here, or tulilps......the bulb flowers like glads do very well.....I think if you would want to grow iris you would have to dig them up and freeze them for a few months and then replant...would be a good experiment....
