Sunday in Cuenca is such a lovely day for us.....we start the day (or afternoon) with Mass in the Cathedral ....
A beautiful church filled with devout, humble people praising God reverently.....You hardly ever even hear a baby cry....yes, occasionally a dog will wander in and out, but nice dogs, ..... :)
But first we stop outside the church to give something to our favorite poor women.....there's Teresa a very sweet extremely thin lady who shakes with palsy, and there's the mute, and old hunched over Mercedes with her cane/ I took 2 packages of Raman noodles, some Oreos, and a small carton of chocolate milk for 2 of them ... Rick always gives Mercedes $5 and I give my ladies a couple of dollars and some "golosinas" -- that means some treats.....Today Teresa was trying to tell me something and I couldn't understand -- something about buttons??? She wanted to talk & she speaks so softly I couldn't get it .. well, maybe next week I'll figure it out..... Got to get a warm jacket for Teresa - she looks so cold.....but how their faces light up with smiles when I give them some goodies!!
After Mass we went over to Don Colon restaurant for his almuerzo, $4, soup, juice, main dish (choice of 4 different plates) and dessert.....we both had the ribs, and were they good!!
We met a lovely couple there.....Roger and Maggie.....hope to get together at our house later this week......He's originally from Des Moines, Iowa, and she many places including Dallas, Texas....but she also lived in Mexico City, so we have a lot in common.
After our expensive gourmet meal (well, it's very good, especially for only $4 ) we walked to the Mercado de Flores...
The wonderful fragrance hits you as you approach, and then the feast for your eyes...
Lovely arrangements like this sweet heart.......
The WORLD'S BEST Flower Market,
Cuenca, Ecuador
And all kinds of fresh cut flowers to take home and arrange yourself....
And Plants, ORCHIDS, ROSES, LILLIES, etc......
Today I just looked -- most of the vendors were gone by the time we got there so I decided to wait until next week to buy some plants to put in a planter Susana gave me for my birthday... .but I couldn't pass up
the empanada lady....
On the rim of the market she sits rolling neat little pastry circles - then she pinches a bit of cheese mixture to fill the empanadas, slips them into a big pot to fry, , and then puts them in they go into a small paper bag, and quickly into your mouth they melt....DELICIOUS!!! and for only $ .20 ea.!!
These are rather shy people, but friendly and hard and long she works to take home a few dollars!!
Made a roasted vegetable pasta dish for dinner -- got the recipe from our daughter Linda who lives in Minneapolis...she's a fine cook, and it was the perfect recipe because I happen to have a frig full of fresh veggies.....
Tomorrow we must take my receipts to the SRI to file to get the 12% tax rebate.......
Hasta luego!!!